
Wagner Kablo is applying lean manufactury since September 2007.

As of today %90 of production lines are suitable with lean philosophy. LEAN Manufacturing is reformed from Toyota Production Model and simply means to sort out every non-value adding processes and is based on the redesign of the processes to be more efficient.

After the LEAN start not only the efficiency increased but also the raw material stock decreased and extra production areas arised. Wagner Kablo’s aim is to be a real lean factory. The company believes in the importance of contiuous improvement and applies the implementations of KANBAN, KAIZEN and 5S. Wagner Kablo encourage the employees to attend the KAIZEN activities. Due to that the improvement suggestions coming from the employees is increasing day by day. After the LEAN implementation in the production lines Wagner started to implement the LEAN philosophy also in the administrative sections and the aim is to be a real LEAN company from the suppliers to the customers.